Dr. Sherif El-Madaawy, Shield Clinics

Dr. Sherif El-Madaawy

MB B Ch, MSc, FRCP(C), Physiatrist
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Alberta

Dr. El-Maadawy is the Shield and IPAX Clinics Medical Director, a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta, and a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He works with an interdisciplinary team consisting of physiatrists, family physicians and physiotherapists. Dr. El-Maadawy has interest in the management of non-surgical spine and musculoskeletal problems.

Some of his expertise includes ultrasound-guided spine and joint injections using corticosteroids, Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments. He also specializes in Botox injections for myofascial pain, spasticity, and migraine headaches.

Dr. El-Maadawy’s clinical and research interests include stroke, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and spine intervention. He has a number of publications in Osteoarthritis research and early diagnosis. Over the years, Dr. El-Maadawy has been the recipient of a number of awards, including: the Royal University Hospital Innovation Fund Award, the Royal University Hospital Foundation Grant (as Principal Investigator), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Fellowship Award (2002).